Preregistering NLP Research

Emiel van Miltenburg

Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication

Preregistration refers to the practice of specifying what you are going to do, and what you expect to find in your study, before carrying out the study. This practice is increasingly common in medicine and psychology, but is rarely discussed in NLP. This paper discusses preregistration in more detail, explores how NLP researchers could preregister their work, and presents several preregistration questions for different kinds of studies. Finally, we argue in favour of registered reports, which could provide firmer grounds for slow science in NLP research. The goal of this paper is to elicit a discussion in the NLP community, which we hope to synthesise into a general NLP preregistration form in future research.

Week 29 2020/2021

Thursday 17th June 2021

Online: join mailing list or contact organisers to receive link

The paper associated with this talk can be found here